I am an employment lawyer. I have been in practice for over 30 years. Unlike many an employment lawyer I do not buy expensive ad space in magazines to get ranked in a top ten list. My reputation is well-known. I am rated AV-Preeminent* by Martindale-Hubbell®, the oldest and most respected best attorney rating service in the United States and Canada. That rating comes from others lawyers and judges who know my work. The “A” means the best and highest legal ability; the “V” means the best and highest ethical standards. An AV® Rating signifies that a lawyer has reached the heights of professional excellence. He or she has usually practiced law for a number of years, and is recognized for the highest and best levels of skill and integrity. Check Martindale-Hubbell® if you want the best employment lawyer and ask yourself this question: Do I want a preeminent A-listed employment lawyer or a B-listed employment lawyer? It’s a simple choice really.
I also teach the law of Evidence and Employment Discrimination at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law at Cleveland State University. I am an official member of the faculty on an adjunct basis (meaning that I teach on a part-time basis – I am after all a full-time practicing lawyer). You might ask, “What is the law of Evidence”? The answer fills thousands of books. The simple answer is as follows: The law of Evidence is the law of the courtroom. An employment lawyer cannot possibly win a trial, or even get a case to trial through the litigation process, without knowing the law of Evidence. I know the law of Evidence – I teach the subject. Combined with 28 years of courtroom and litigation experience, it can fairly be said that I am a formidable opponent for any lawyer I come up against. And, do employers go out and the best employment lawyer they can find? Yes, of course they do. So, if you want to succeed against a well-defended employer, you want the best employment lawyer, who can match and even out-match theirs. I’m that best employment lawyer.